Medical & Health Law

Did you suffer an injury, negligence or omission in the medical treatment? What does conscientious treatment mean? Have your human rights or dignity been violated within health facilities? Has your right to privacy been violated? Did you have full access to medical records? How to initiate compensation proceedings and when the case becomes statute-barred? Was the accident covered by private health insurance policy?

In the recent years the development of the health care system in Serbia and proliferation of medical institutions both private and public, have put additional focus on medical law. This complex area of law is especially important because it combines two essential disciplines, human rights and medicine, both aimed at protecting the highest human values – health and human life.

What makes our office stand out from the competition on the market is our expertise and a unique multidisciplinary approach. We represent doctors, medical workers, institutions, patients and other participants in the field of medicine and healthcare.

Our services include representing clients in the following cases:

  • Violation of the rules of the medical profession
  • Violation of the right to bodily integrity
  • Failure to provide emergency medical care
  • Violation of the obligation to enter into a health service contract

We are especially proud of the cooperation with the ODML law office from Zagreb, leading lawyers specializing in this area.


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