Passengers’ Right to Compensation in Air Transport in the Event of Long Delay of Flights

In the law of the Republic of Serbia, contractual and tort relations in air transport are governed by the OBLIGATIONS AND THE BASICS OF PROPERTY RELATIONS IN AIR TRANSPORT ACT (RS Official Gazette, No. 87/2011 and 66/2015), hereinafter referred to as “Act”. One of the matters provided for by this Act is the matter of […]
Draft Act Amending the Civil Procedure Act

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia has published a Draft Act Amending the Civil Procedure Act. Any remarks, proposals, suggestions and comments concerning the Draft Act Amending the Civil Procedure Act may be submitted to the Ministry of Justice, while a public hearing in connection with this Act is going to be […]
Novelties in Enforcement Procedure Regarding Electronic Filing and Submission of Documents

With the aim of increasing efficiency and simplifying the conduct of enforcement proceedings, certain rulebooks have been adopted to help accelerate enforcement procedures and simplify the conduct of enforcement proceedings for all participants and enforcement authorities. The rulebooks were published in the RS Official Gazette, No. 30/2021 and have been applied since April 3, 2021. […]