Exclusive right to transmission of major events and access rights for events of great public interest
Events of particular significance for all citizens play a crucial role in the society. This is primarily the case with sports events, considering the undeniable social and integrative significance of sports, even recognized by the European Court of Justice. However, along with sports, there are other types of important events that help in the formation […]
Must carry as a protective measure for media pluralism
Regulations on mandatory transmission, i.e., must carry, were first introduced through the European legislation with the emergence of cable distribution systems for fear of the cable network operators not wanting to distribute programs of the public media service. Accordingly, the first must carry regulations related only to the programs of the public media service and […]
Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction
On the 25.05.2021, the amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction (“Official Gazette of RS”, number 52/2021) came into effect. Novelties New deadlines for acquiring the exploitation permit; For all buildings with decisions on the exploitation permit i.e., decisions on the construction permit issued in accordance with previous regulations governing […]
Independence of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media
Independence of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic Media (hereinafter: Regulator) can be observed from the aspect of functional, financial, and organizational independence. Functional independence Functional independence of the regulatory authority is primarily related to the fact that the Regulator does not take instructions from any other authority in the process of performance of their activities. […]
Compensation for damages in the event of a medical error
In their provision of health services, doctors and other medical services have a duty to act in accordance with the rules of the profession and to apply the required level of care. These procedures involve taking actions in line with current and routine medical standards. The criteria of knowledge, i.e., the doctors’ expertise, as well […]