
Novelties in Enforcement Procedure Regarding Electronic Filing and Submission of Documents


With the aim of increasing efficiency and simplifying the conduct of enforcement proceedings, certain rulebooks have been adopted to help accelerate enforcement procedures and simplify the conduct of enforcement proceedings for all participants and enforcement authorities. The rulebooks were published in the RS Official Gazette, No. 30/2021 and have been applied since April 3, 2021.

Rulebook on the manner of electronic filing of enforcement motions based on enforceable or authentic document, and Rulebook on electronic submission of documents between public enforcement officers and other authorities.

The Rulebook on the manner of electronic filing of enforcement motions based on enforceable or authentic document governs the way in which motions for enforcement are filed electronically to judicial users based on an enforceable or authentic document as well as requirements for accessing and registering as users of the Information System run by the ministry in charge of the judiciary (Judicial Information System).

A judicial user is a court to which or a public enforcement officer to whom a motion is filed via the Judicial Information System.

The Rulebook on electronic submission of documents between public enforcement officers and other authorities governs the submission of documents and writs between public enforcement officers and other authorities. It stipulates that public enforcement officers may submit documents and writs to other authorities electronically.

Documents are submitted via an application provided by the Ministry of Justice connected via a web-service or otherwise to an application run by the state authority to which a document is submitted or via Ministry’s application that is connected via a web-service or otherwise to a message exchange system run by the authority responsible for electronic administration, provided that the authority to which a document is submitted uses that system.

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