T-S Legal attorney one of mentors at „Local Self-Government System and the Application of the Good Governance Principle“ e-training

On the 15 of April, 2024, The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM), supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organized in Belgrade an introductory presentation of the e-training “Local Self-Government System and the Application of the Good Governance Principle”, with T-S Legal member, attorney Igor Vila, as one of its mentors The electronic […]

T-S Legal at the Seventh SEE NPL Forum: “Perpetuum Mobile”

T-S Legal’s attorneys and experts specializing in debt management participated in the traditional seventh regional SEE NPL Forum, held on November 17 at the Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, Serbia. The seventh SEE NPL Forum focused on analyzing the impact of macroeconomic factors on financial market developments, regulatory changes in the Southeast European region, liquidity […]

Motivated and responsible employees as the key to business success

T-S Legal participated in the enlightening open training session, “The Power of Responsibility,” organized by Alterna International on November 9, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. This event delved into a crucial inquiry: “WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH PEOPLE.”  As a leading corporate law firm boasting a cohesive team of over 40 members, T-S Legal is […]

T-S Legal attended the 9th International Conference “Days of Corporate Security” organized by the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers.

Belgrade, November 14, 2023 – The T-S Legal law firm attended the 9th International Conference ”Days of Corporate Security”, which took place on November 13 and 14, 2023 in Vrdnik near Novi Sad, organized by the Serbian Association of Corporate Security Managers, in cooperation with SEECSA (South-East Europe Corporate Security Association). The goal of the […]

T-S Legal Actively Participated in the Conference on Copyright in Audiovisual Arts

Belgrade, October 30, 2023 – The T-S Legal law firm took part in the First Regional Conference on Copyright in Audiovisual Arts of Central and Eastern Europe, which took place on October 26 and 27 in Belgrade. This significant conference was organised in collaboration with renowned European associations such as SAA, AIPA, ZAPA, and UFUS […]

T-S Legal actively engaged in media reforms in Serbia

Within the broader public debate on the Draft Law on Public Information and Media and the Draft Law on Electronic Media, panel discussions were held yesterday in Belgrade, organized by the Coalition for Media Freedom, addressing the question of “What Do the New Media Laws Bring Us”. T-S Legal actively monitors and participates in media […]