
T-S Legal actively engaged in media reforms in Serbia


Within the broader public debate on the Draft Law on Public Information and Media and the Draft Law on Electronic Media, panel discussions were held yesterday in Belgrade, organized by the Coalition for Media Freedom, addressing the question of “What Do the New Media Laws Bring Us”.

T-S Legal actively monitors and participates in media reforms in Serbia, with the intention to contribute to the development of a transparent and efficient media framework in the country.

In the panel discussion, titled “Draft Law on Electronic Media”, T-S Legal partner, and a member of the working group responsible for drafting this piece of legislation, Stevan Pajović, presented key insights and observations on the proposed changes to electronic media legislation, along with the challenges they faced during the drafting process. On this occasion, Stevan highlighted critical points within the new draft of electronic media laws. The panel also addressed issues such as diversifying the funding of the Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media, appointing new members to the Regulatory Board, the sustainability of local media, and regulating media networks.

In addition to Stevan, the other panelists included Ivana Stevanović, Executive Director of the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, Miloš Stojković, an expert in media law, and Saša Mirković, a professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications. Ljubica Gojgić, a journalist at Radio-Television Vojvodina, moderated the discussion.

The report from the panel discussion is available at the following link, while the entire panel discussion is available at the following link.

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